About Us
RED Lab is an experimental research space dedicated to studying risk and disasters, and how they involve and evoke differential impacts on individuals and communities across multiple scales and geographies. We aim to articulate our academic work and practice in contexts that echo equity, justice, and sustainability.
The Lab is affiliated with the Geography Program within the Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech University (TTU). We mentor researchers at undergraduate and graduate levels of any field interested in qualitative and interdisciplinary research on the topics of our expertise. We partner with Federal agencies, universities, and research centers to study the dynamics of natural hazards, vulnerability, and disasters. And we are part of the founding Editorial Collective of the Journal of Disaster Studies (Penn Press).
RED Lab is committed to the adoption of ethical practices in academic and lab research, which includes the following: actively building an inclusive and diverse community of researchers, students, and collaborators; promoting the participation and dialogue of under-represented and marginalized groups; encouraging the involvement of our researchers in broader social justice, peace-building, anti-racism, and gender diversity agendas.
RED Lab is allied with the Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DDEI) at TTU. Every semester our researchers are trained in DEI, which is part of our core values.